
Hasbro ha rivelato diverse nuove figure Star Wars al SDCC

Hasbro ha presentato diverse nuove figure Star Wars durante il panel tenutosi ieri al SDCC 2017.

Di seguito vi riporto la lista:

6″ Black Series Figures
General Leia (Episode VII)
Captain Rex (removable helmet)
Maz Kanata with trunk and lightsaber
Dewback with new Sandtrooper
Rebel Fleet Trooper with helmet, blaster and Death Star data card


3.75″ Vintage Collection Figures* & Vehicles 
FO Stormtrooper
Kylo Ren
Death Trooper
Hoth Rebel Trooper
New Hovertank Driver
New Dr. Aphra

*la sequenza numerica reinizierà con il numero #116 (Rey)

3.75″ Rogue One Hovertank – working treads, accurate details, removable Kyber crystal chamber

3.75″ Star Wars Universe Figures (5POA)
Hoth Leia
Emperor Palpatine with Force Lightning

Rathtar with Bala-Tik
Luke with Wampa (articulated)
Vader with Probe Droid

Boba Fett with Han Solo
Maul and Qui-Gon (added wrist articulation)

Forces of Destiny

Episode II Padme Naboo Pilot outfit

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