Grazie al sito americano yakface abbiamo nuovi dettagli sulle action figure che usciranno il prossimo Force Friday ll, ed una lista di prodotti ancora più aggiornata, anche se non definitiva.
Nel dettaglio la lista delle figure
Figures ($7.99)
- Rey (Jedi Training)
- Poe Dameron (Resistance Pilot)
- Kylo Ren
- Finn (Resistance Fighter)
- First Order Stormtrooper
- Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)
- General Hux
- Rose Tico (Resistance Tech)
- Paige Tico (Resistance Gunner)
- Chewbacca (With Porg)
- C-3PO
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Yoda
- Emperor Palpatine
- Princess Leia Organa (Hoth)
Deluxe Two-Packs ($14.99)
- Rey (Jedi Training) & Elite Praetorian Guard
- Han Solo & Boba Fett
- Darth Maul & Qui-Gon Jinn
Deluxe Figure Sets ($19.99)
- Rathtar & Bala-Tik
- Probe Droid & Darth Vader
- Wampa & Luke Skywalker (Hoth)
Vehicles ($29.99-$49.99)
- Resistance A-Wing With Reistance Pilot Tallie
- Canto Bight Police Speeder With Police Officer
- Resistance Ski Speeder & Captain Poe Dameron
- Kylo Ren’s TIE Silencer & Kylo Ren (TIE Pilot)
Miscellaneous ($29.99-$199.99)
- Force Link Starter Set (With Kylo Ren)
- BB-8 Mega Star Destroyer (With Supreme Leader Snoke And Elite Praetorian Guard)
6-Inch Scale Figures
- Hera Syndulla
- Rey (Jedi Training)
- Luke Skywalker (Jedi Master)
- Grand Admiral Thrawn
- Kylo Ren
- Darth Vader (Reissue)
- Stormtrooper (Reissue)
- Snowtrooper (Reissue)
- AT-AT Driver (Reissue)
- Poe Dameron
- Finn
- General Leia
- Chewbacca
- Elite Praetorian Guard
Centerpiece Assortment
- Luke Skywalker (Hoth)
- Darth Vader (Tantive IV)
Exclusive 6-Inch Scale Figures
- Tango – Black (Target)
- Clone Commander Gree (Toys’R’Us
- Supreme Leader Snoke With Throne (GameStop)
- Elite Guards 4-PK (GameStop)
6-Inch Scale Vehicles
- Rey’s Speeder With Rey (Jakku)
- X-34 Landspeeder With Luke Skywalker
Roleplay ($99.99-$149.99)
- Captain Poe Dameron (Black Leader) Helmet
- Rey (Jedi Training) Force FX Lightsaber
Titanium Series Helmets ($14.99)
- Victor Guard/Tango Red
The Black Series
Wave 1:
2x Darth Vader (Episode IV – 40AC repack)
1x Foxtrot 1 – Rey (Episode VIII)
1x Cool Beta – Luke Skywalker (Episode VIII)
1x Kylo Ren (Episode VIII)
1x Grand Admiral Thrawn (Star Wars Rebels – SDCC repack)
1x Hera Syndulla (Star Wars Rebels)
1x Stormtrooper (TBS “Orange” #09/40AC repack)
Wave 2:
1x Snowtrooper (Wave 9 repack)
1x AT-AT Driver (Wave 9 repack)
1x Beta 1 – Poe Dameron (Episode VIII)
1x Victor 1 – Kylo Ren (Episode VIII) – wave 1 carry forward
1x Alpha 1 – Chewbacca
1x Victor Guard 2 – Elite Praetorian Guard (Episode VIII)
1x General Leia (Episode VII)
1x Beta 2 – Finn (Episode VIII)
Questa seppur non definitiva rappresenta una prima guida per amanti e collezionisti di action figure.
Vi ricordo che il Force Friday II sarà il prossimo 1° settembre !
“Che la Forza sia con Voi”
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